Saturday, July 14, 2018

Current Problems

1. Problems related to over population:
  • Housing
  • Employment
  • Drinking water
  • Shanties
  • Epidemics
  • Urbanization
  • Garbage
  • Energy requirements

2. Gender discrimination and the place of woman in SL society:

Decisions on:
  • Marriage
  • Education
  • Rest
  • Decision making
  • No. of children
  • Nutrition
  • Sex life
are made by man.

Many occupations are still closed to women.
In countries like India widows are marginalized.
Wages earned by women is generally 30% - 40% lower
For every 2 men 3 women are illiterate.
Out of 1.3 billion of the poorest of the poor 70% are women.
By 1995 only 6% of the total cabinet ministers of the world were women.

The 4th Summit on Women held in Beijing, China was held in September 1995 with Hillary Clinton as the Chairperson.
At the summit the participants agreed that by 2015 the following areas should reach an internationally accepted standard:
o   Nutrition
o   Unemployment
o   Political rights
o   Education
It is widely accepted that malnutrition and infant mortality could be reduced by educating women in the developing countries.

3. Environmental pollution
Environment could be classified as:
1.   Natural environment – land, water, air, soil, fauna and flora
2.   Cultural environment – infrastructure, religions, artistic creations

Kyoto Protocol: it is an energy agreement that was created in Kyoto, Japan in 1997 signed by 140 counties to reduce the emission of Greenhouse gases. The USA, the country that emits more Greenhouse gases than any country did not sign the agreement.

IPCC: intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is the final authority in matters related to climate change. The Panel is currently working on Climate Change 2007, The Fourth Assessment Report (AR4).

Reasons for environmental pollution:

  • Deforestation
  • Coral mining
  • Sand mining
  • Developing low-lying areas
  • Urbanization
  • Mining for gems
  • Poor soil conservation methods
  •  Improper disposal of household refuse and factory waste
  • Agricultural chemicals
  • Use of polythene
  • Nuclear waste

Land pollution:

o   Overuse of agro-chemicals changes the ph value of the soil
o   Use of steep inclines for cultivation without proper soil conservation methods
o   Improper garbage disposal
o   Improper disposal of factory waste
o   Polythene and plastics

     Methods of conservation:
o   Terraced cultivation
o   Cultivation cover crops
o   Recycling

     Air pollution

o   Use of carbon based energy sources
o   Poisonous gases emitted by supersonic jets and rockets
o   CFC emitted from refrigerators and ACs
o   Forest fires
o   Volcanic irruptions
o   Nuclear expectations
o   Nicotine from cigarette

   Results :

o   Greenhouse Effect
o   Acid Rains
o   Global Warming
o   Respiratory diseases
o   Ozone depletion
o   Changes in climate

   Methods of Conservation:
o   Limiting Greenhouse gases
o   Using an alternative for CFC
o   Using renewable sources of energy

   Water Pollution

   Ways in which water could be polluted:

o   Emission of household refuse, factory waste, animal waste into water
o   Mixing of disease causing micro organisms
o   Mixing of heavy metals
o   Mixing of agro-chemicals
o   Mixing of artificial non-carbonic chemicals

o   Destruction of aquatic organisms
o   Pollution of drinking water sources

  Method of conservations:
o   Proper disposal of agro-chemicals
o   Tighter laws regarding factory emissions

*Sound Pollution
*Cultural pollution

  1. Challenges faced by the modern family unit
o   Latch-key children
o   Single- parent families
o   Parents being away for a long time on jobs
o   Divorce
o   Drugs
o   Generation gap

 5. Terrorism
o   Ancestral Land Concept
o   Racial Conflicts
o   Religious Conflicts
o   Tribal Conflicts


o   Loss of lives
o   Property destruction
o   Refugees
o   Killing of national leaders
o   Abductions and ransom demands
o   Drug trafficking
o   Arms trafficking
o   Armed robberies
o   Child soldiers
o   Economic crises

   6. Refugees

o   Political conflicts
o   Boarder conflicts
o   Terrorism

o   Tribal conflicts
o   Religious conflicts
o   Racial conflicts

      Problems related to refugees:
o   Lack of necessary facilities in refugee camps
o   Sudden increase in population
o   Scarcity of land
o   Affect the racial, religious balance of the country
o   Economic crises
o   Affect the stability of the country

   7. Food Problem
o   Discrepancies in distribution
o   Measures employed by developed countries in maintaining prices
1.   Destroying excess crops
2.   Limiting land cultivated
3.   Issuing subsidies to farmers to set off losses incurred by refraining from cultivating or destroying crops
4.   Using cereals as animal feed
o   Lack of knowledge in nutrition
o   Cultural/ religious practices
o   Pests
o   Improper storage methods

o   Increase land cultivated
o   Increase the yield through modern farming methods
o   Building irrigation networks
o   Desalination sea water for agriculture
o   Use of modern technology
o   Use of high yield hybrid varieties of seeds
o   Batalegoda, Gannoruwa in Sri Lanka and Manila in the Philippines are rice research centres

     8. Energy crisis:

o   Oil reserves are depleting
o   Pollution
o   High prices

o   Alternative sources of energy
o   Increasing the fuel efficiency of the existing machinery

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