Saturday, July 14, 2018

Geography – Grade 7

Part I
Underline the most suitable answer
1.       The tilt of the earth’s axis is
a.       66 20
b.      23 20
c.       33 20
d.      46 20
2.       The earth rotates on its axis from
a.       East to west
b.      North to south
c.       West to east
d.      South to north
3.       The time taken for the Earth to complete a rotation is
a.       365 days
b.      365 days and 6 hours
c.       23 hours
d.      23 hours and 56 minutes
4.       During a lunar eclipse the shadow that falls on the Moon belongs to
a.       Venus
b.      Earth
c.       Sun
d.      Mars
5.       The diameter of the Earth is
a.       12714 km
b.      12914 km
c.       12757 km
d.      12957 km
6.       The Prime Meridian goes through
a.       London
b.      Greenwich
c.       Sydney
d.      Tokyo
7.       The number of longitudes on a globe is 
a.       180
b.      90
c.       360
d.      260
8.       The largest continent and the ocean on Earth are
a.       Asia and the Atlantic Ocean
b.      Africa and the Pacific Ocean
c.       Asia and the Pacific Ocean
d.      Africa and the Atlantic Ocean
9.       Mariana Trench is situated in
a.       The Atlantic Ocean 
b.      The Pacific Ocean
c.       The Indian Ocean
d.      The Arctic Ocean
10.   The height of Mt. Everest is
a.       8448 m
b.      8848 m
c.       8884 m
d.      4848 m
From 11 to 15, fill the blanks with the most suitable phrase from the parenthesis
(Murray-Darling, Atacama and Patagonia, Nile, Iceland, Atlas and Drakensberg, Everest, Sahara and Kalahari)
11.   ……………………………………………….   are two mountains found in Africa.
12.   ……………………………., the tallest mountain in the world, is found in Asia.
13.   …………………………………. is a river found in Australia.
14.   ……………………………………………….. are two deserts found in South America.
15.   …………………………………………….. is an island that belongs to Europe.
From 16 to 20, write ‘T’ if the statement is true and ‘F’ if it is false
16.      The longitude 23 20 north of the Equator is called the Tropic of Cancer (………………..)
17.   Japan and Vietnam are in Europe (……………)
18.   Palk Strait is the narrow stretch of sea located between Sri Lanka and India (…………….)
19.   Every country in the world is bordered by a stretch of territorial sea (…………………)
20.   The distance from Point Pedro to the Dondra Head is 224 km (…………..)
Part II
Answer 1 and four other questions
1.       This question is on the compulsory assessment for the first term
a.       What was the assignment given for this assessment?

b.      Name the three topics of the maps marked for this assignment
                                                   i.      …………………………………..
                                                 ii.      …………………………………
                                                iii.      …………………………………
c.       State three instructions given by the teacher for this assignment
                                                   i.      ……………………………………………….
                                                 ii.      ……………………………………………….
                                                iii.      ……………………………………………….
d.      Name a difficulty you faced and describe briefly how you resolved it

e.      State 4 benefits you received by completing this assignment
                                                   i.      ……………………………….
                                                 ii.      ……………………………….
                                                iii.      ………………………………….
                                               iv.      …………………………………..
a.       What is meant by the term ‘relative location’?

b.      Name the two main longitudes
                                                   i.      ………………………………
                                                 ii.      ……………………………..
c.       Draw the two main longitudes on a map
a.       Give the diameter of the Earth
                                                   i.      At the Equator:
                                                 ii.      At the poles:
b.      Give 4 evidences to show that the Earth is spherical in shape
                                                   i.      ……………………………………..
                                                 ii.      ………………………………………
                                                iii.      ……………………………………..
                                               iv.      ……………………………………..
c.       Draw sketch to show that the earth is not a perfect mathematical sphere

a.       What is a continent?
b.      Name 4 continents
                                                   i.      …………………..
                                                 ii.      ……………………
                                                iii.      …………………..
                                               iv.      ……………………
c.       Mark the five oceans on a world map
a.       What is meant by the term ‘territorial sea’?

b.      State the specific location of Sri Lanka  

c.       Mark the following on a map of Sri Lanka
                                                   i.      Pint Pedro
                                                 ii.      Dondra Head
                                                iii.      Colombo
                                               iv.      Sangaman Point
                                                 v.      Draw lines connecting the relevant places and write the length and the breadth of the islands on them 
6.       Identify the places and write their names in the given spaces
K …………………………………………..

1 comment:

A World Made of Memories - Nisansala D Bertholemeuze and Bhisma Upreti

The poetry collection A World Made of Memories by the Sri Lankan poetess Nisansala D Bertholemeuze and Bhisma Upreti of Nepal is a serend...