Saturday, July 14, 2018


o   Direct Democracy
Greece is said to be the birthplace of Direct Democracy. There were democratic features in the way in which the rulers of Athens and Sparta ruled their respective city-states. Citizens took part in the administrative activities. Slaves, women and resident aliens were excluded from government activities.

o   Representative Democracy
With the increase in population most countries in the world practice representative democracy. Under this system, elected representatives of the general public administrate the country.

o   In RD Representatives are elected using:
  1. Simple majority representation system
  2. Proportional representation system

The candidates appear as a party promoting a common manifesto.

Forms of party politics:
  1. Single party system (Russia, Cuba, China, Maldives)
  2. Bi-party system (USA, UK)
  3. Multi-party system (Sri Lanka)

The role of the opposition:
  1. Constructive criticism of government activities
  2. Appreciate the good points of the government and guide it along the correct path
  3. Form an alternative government

Features of a country with a democratic system of government:
  1. Practice Universal Franchise
  2. Presence of electorates
  3. Presence of a system of representation
  4. Presence of several political parties
  5. Elections
  6. Changes of government policies from time to time
  7. Presence of a governing party and an opposition

Factors necessary for a successful Democratic System of Government:
  1. Presence of politically mature public
  2. Dedicated leadership
  3. Freedom of media
  4. Presence of two political parties
o   Ability to form a powerful government and a forceful opposition
o   Votes are not wasted
o   Proper organization of the parties
o   Development and the welfare of the country
  1. A majority that do not violate the rights of the minority
  2. Healthy economy

Certain historical events had made it possible to secure certain human rights:

    • English Revolution
    • French Rev.
    • American Rev.
    • Russian Rev.

Characteristics of a democratic citizen:
o   Settles disputes through discussion
o   Tolerate rival views
o   Respect others and their views
o   Work cooperatively
o   Enjoy rights and perform duties
o   Come to peaceful settlements
1.   What are the two forms of democracy?
o   Direct democracy
o   Representative democracy

2.    What are the basic features of democracy?
o   Media freedom
o   Individual, religious, economic and political freedom of people
o   Independence of judiciary
o   Rule of law
o   Existence of free and fair elections
o   Rule of people’s representatives
o   Consolidation of rights
o   Equality

3.   What are the modern democratic forms of government?
o   Unitary System of Government
o   Federal System of Government

4.   What are the two forms of Unitary System of Government?
o   The Cabinet Parliamentary System
o   The Parliamentary System with an executive Presidency

5.   What are the factors necessary for the success of Democratic Government?
o   Freedom and fair representation
o   Political ethics
o   Party politics
o   Independence of the judiciary
o   Media freedom
o   A society that respect other’s opinions
o   Holding elections on due time

6.   Write short notes on
o   Simple Majority Representation
o   Proportional representation
o   Presidency under 1978 Constitution
o   Cabinet under 1978 Constitution
o   Provincial Councils
o   Local Government Institutions

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