Saturday, July 14, 2018

Geography - Grade 10

Part I
Answer all questions
Underline the most suitable answer
1.       The fall in the temperature with the increase in altitude is called
a.       Transpiration
b.      Lapse rate
c.       Photosynthesis
d.      Altitude
2.       This is the form in which the greatest percentage of usable freshwater is found on Earth
a.       As soil water
b.      In rivers
c.       In lakes
d.      In oceans
3.       An example for a river that originates from glazier runoff
a.       Thames
b.      Rhine
c.       Nile
d.      Ganges
4.       The lake situated at the highest altitude
a.       Titicaca
b.      Victoria
c.       Superior
d.      Niasa
5.       The Ozone layer is found in
a.       The troposphere
b.      The stratosphere
c.       The mesosphere
d.      The thermosphere
6.       The gas that makes up 0.93% of the atmospheric gases is
a.       Argon
b.      Neon
c.       Oxygen
d.      Carbon Dioxide
7.       The smallest continent is
a.       Antarctica
b.      Europe
c.       South America
d.      Australia
8.       An island found on the continental shelf of Australia is
a.       Sumatra
b.      Madagascar
c.       Tasmania
d.      Greenland
9.       The border between the Crust and the Mantle of the Earth is called
a.       Mohorovicic discontinuity
b.      Layman discontinuity
c.       Gutenberg discontinuity
d.      Simag discontinuity    
10.   A sea that connected to an ocean is
a.       Caspian Sea
b.      China Sea
c.       Sea of Japan
d.      Red Sea
11.   The type of rock the oceanic crust consist of
a.       Granite
b.      Nice
c.       Basalt
d.      Metamorphic
12.   Not a non-living component of the biosphere
a.       Decomposers
b.      Water
c.       Climate
d.      Sunlight
13.   The surface area of the Earth in million km2  is
a.       520
b.      510
c.       515
d.      525
14.   The tectonic plate on which Japan is situated
a.       African plate
b.      Philippine plate
c.       Nazca plate
d.      Eurasian plate
15.   This is a phenomena that we are not familiar with that occurs as a result of the formation of new tectonic plates
a.       Earthquakes      
b.      Volcanoes
c.       Tsunami
d.      Forest fires
From 16 to 20, mark the following on a map of Sri Lanka
16.   Sabaragamuwa Province
17.   Tea research institute
18.   Vavniya district
19.   Jaffna Peninsula
20.   Dondra Head
2*20 = 40 marks
Part II
Answer I and four other questions
1.       Mark the following on a world map (12)
                                                   i.      Falkland Islands
                                                 ii.      Iceland
                                                iii.      Caspian Sea
                                               iv.      Yellow Sea
                                                 v.      Atlas Mts.
                                               vi.      Ural Mts.
                                              vii.      Tibetan Plateau
                                            viii.      Mississippi river
                                               ix.      Hwang-Ho river
                                                 x.      Carpentaria Bay
                                               xi.      Nallabore Plains
                                              xii.      Cuba 
a.       Name the four subsystems that form the Earth (2)
                                                   i.      ……………………….
                                                 ii.      …………………………
                                                iii.      ………………………….
                                               iv.      ………………………….
b.      Briefly describe two ways in which the lithosphere may be of use to man (4)
                                                   i.      …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
                                                 ii.      …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
c.       Describe the impacts of the human consumption of its resources on the lithosphere (6)

a.       Name the four strata of the atmosphere 
                                                   i.      ………………………………………
                                                 ii.      ………………………………………
                                                iii.      …………………………………………
                                               iv.      ……………………………………….
b.       Describe briefly what is meant by the term ‘atmosphere’

c.       Make an analysis of the human activities that lead to air pollution

a.       Name the three main strata of the Earth?
                                                   i.      …………………………
                                                 ii.      …………………………
                                                iii.      ……………………………
b.      What are the limits of the biosphere?

c.       What are the four major types of tectonic plate margins? Give an example for of these.
                                                   i.      ………………………………………………. E.g.
                                                 ii.      ……………………………………………….  E.g.
                                                iii.      ………………………………………………... E.g.
                                               iv.      ………………………………………………. E.g.
5.       .
a.       What is meant by the term ‘continental shelf’?

b.      Explain what a plateau is and name three major plateaus

a.       Describe what is meant by the term ‘hydrosphere’.
b.      Draw a sketch representing the water-cycle
c.       “The quality of water is being reduced by human activities.” Prove this statement using appropriate examples.

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